On: 28 March 2023 In: Events

On Friday, March 24, we at Committed Capital in Amsterdam had the honor of hosting an enjoyable lunch with over 25 guests from the DCFA Dutch Corporate Finance Association. It was a fun, mixed group of people who had ample opportunity to get to know each other and exchange experiences.

During lunch, Committed Capital’s own team gave a short presentation on our way of working and approach. As a real life example, we discussed the transition of Platinum (Parasols), an investment of Committed Capital, through the entrepreneurial story of Director and Founder Kilian Audenaerde. We reflected on both the perspective from the investor and the entrepreneur in the deal and value creation process, with a focus on pre-exit and Director transition.

The feedback we received afterwards was that Committed Capital stands out especially with a down to earth approach and early creation of commercial/strategic insight. We think that’s a great compliment!