Letter from our team

Dear reader,

In our ESG policy (click here), Committed Capital explains the approach in managing Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) matters. Guided by The Six Principles for Responsible Investment and The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact, we incorporate ESG matters into our investment process, actively manage and disclose ESG matters within our portfolio, promotes, collaborates and reports on ESG matters to create more substance within the private equity investment industry.

Committed Capital believes in good entrepreneurship

As the PE investment industry touches many geographical regions, industries, companies as well as communities, we believe the investment industry as a whole and Committed Capital as an investment fund manager, can positively contribute to a better environment and society through the investments activities.

Committed Capital strives to positively impact its stakeholders by investing in companies that create long-term value through good entrepreneurship. We believe truly that good entrepreneurship mitigates all risks and seize all opportunities, including ESG related matters. Therefore, Committed Capital engrains ESG policy into the way a company manages its business. By formalizing the way Committed Capital approaches ESG, we steer our investment teams and help portfolio companies to achieve long-term growth and value creation for all stakeholders, while raising awareness and creating transparency regarding ESG matters.

On behalf of the Committed Capital,

ESG team

Case study

Find out how Intersteel, one of our investments, has set up their Corporate Social Responsibility.

Download the social annual report

Onze partners

Buzz Women is a school on wheels with the mission to help 10 million women reaching their full potential, by giving them access to education and entrepreneurship. Buzz encourages and assists women in developing their entrepreneurial skills and self-confidence, helping them to finally overcome poverty on their own.

Buzz has projects in India, Gambia, Georgia and The Netherlands. For a micro equity pivot project in India, Buzz’ founders Uthara Naranayan and Dave Jongeneelen partnered up with Committed Capital. We believe in the concept of micro equity and are proud to be a partner on this project alongside with the Oxford University and Nobel Prize winner Muhammad Yunus. Giving support with equity is similar to our business model and we believe it will create a sustainable entrepreneurial environment.

SFDR statements

Principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors

Due to the size and fact that Committed Capital employs less than 500 employees on average, we are not obliged to provide SFDR disclosure. However, we still take things seriously to minimize any potential adverse impact of our investment decisions on sustainability in accordance with Article 4(1b) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (SFDR).

Remuneration Policy

Committed Capital’s remuneration policy takes into account compliance with its policies and procedures, including its ESG policy. It discourages excessive risk-taking, including with respect to sustainability risks.