FYEO Medical
Honesty, comfort and the best results, these are the pillars of FYEO Medical, specialist in the field of refractive surgery. FYEO offers consumers glasses replacement treatments such as implant lenses and laser eye surgery.
Fyeo Medical is the Benelux market leader in refractive surgery in the field of implant lenses and laser vision.
Year 2018
Status Current
Website www.fyeomedical.nl

Implant lenses are still relatively unknown terrain for many consumers. The strategic process focuses on a greater familiarity among potential customers, the development of the existing clinic in Eersel as well as setting up several branches in the Netherlands and Germany.
In order to achieve future growth, the current founder and managing director has been succeeded by a professional management team. This ambitious team is focused on accelerating the growth of FYEO in the coming years.
The goal is to quadruple the turnover of FYEO in the next 5 to 7 years.
Every change is an improvement.